La fantasia come rifugio dell'anima e specchio del mondo: tesina di maturità

La fantasia: tesina che parte da Alice in Wonderland e si collega alla teoria del piacere di Leopardi e allo spagnolo Unamuno con la sua opera "Niebla", che parla di come sia difficile distinguere la fantasia dalla realtà (10 pagine formato docx)

Appunto di elenasofia93


Alice's adventures in wonderland di Lewis Carroll.

This book tells about a 7-year-old girl, Alice. She was sitting in the garden with her sister, when she suddenly saw a strange white-rabbit running. He was looking at the watch he had taken out of his waistcoat-pocket, and he kept on saying he was late. So Alice decided to follow him, but all at a sudden she fell into a very deep rabbit hole.
When she finished falling, she found herself in Wonderland, an illogical world made of paradoxes, absurdities and nonsense, where the only rule was that there are no rules. There she met a lot of weird characters, such as the Cheshire-Cat, the March Hare and the mad Hatter. She wanders in Wonderland until she met the Queen of Hearts, who asked Alice to play croquet together. In the end she was involved in a trial and she rebelled against all the Queen’s absurdities, but before the end of the trial, she woke up from what she realized was a dream.

La fantasia come evasione dalla realtà: tesina di maturità


Apparently it can be seen only as a children’s story, in particular because of its  bizarre characters and situations. But it has a deeper meaning: in fact Carroll questions the logic of the linguistic structures, and so he subverted and inverted grammatical figures, and used paradoxes and nonsense to create tension between order and chaos.
The main aspect reflected by the book is the parody of the Victorian society. Carroll shows how in Wonderland everything is possible, instead in the real world everybody and everything has to follow moral conventions imposed by the society. This is the reason why Alice did not like the real world in which she lived. In Wonderland rules are something alien to Alice. She never finds the right way to approach with the inhabitants of Wonderland, because she was educated according to Victorian conventions. When Alice arrived in Wonderland she was not the same anymore. She changed size every time she ate something, and this created confusion in her mind, so that she did not know who she was anymore. All the times she spoke with a character, he or she contradicted her, even if she objectively was right. This is the reason why Carroll used that kind of technique; he wanted to express the confusion of the Victorian society, and he used a child, so he could create that confusion through amusing games with grammar and express the rules of society through the eyes of a little girl.

Immigrazione e realtà: tesina di maturità


Anche in Italia vi era un autore che  non apprezzava l’ambiente nel quale viveva. Questo era Giacomo Leopardi. La società in cui viveva non era esattamente la stessa di Carroll, in quanto Leopardi morì nell’anno che venne considerato  l’inizio dell’età Vittoriana (periodo in cui Carroll visse), il 1837, ma elaborò nello stesso modo un pensiero (pessimistico) a proposito.
La differenza principale tra i due autori sta nel fatto che Carroll sdrammatizzò con un’opera bizzarra la situazione per lui negativa della società, mentre Leopardi la espresse con un testo intitolato “Teoria del piacere”, che appartiene al cosiddetto “pessimismo storico”, ovvero la prima parte del suo pensiero poetico.
La “teoria del piacere” è un testo contenuto nello “Zibaldone” che parla della ricerca della felicità. E’ un pensiero filosofico che sostiene che l’uomo durante tutta la vita cerca di raggiungere il piacere (che corrisponde alla felicità). Ma il desiderio del piacere non ha limiti, è infinito. Ogni volta che si crede di aver raggiunto l’oggetto de proprio desiderio, si pensa quindi di aver raggiunto la felicità.