L'educazione nell'età vittoriana
Tesina maturità di letteratura inglese sulle caratteristiche del sistema scolastico durante l'età vittoriana. Tesina in inglese con traduzione in italiano sull'educazione nell'età vittoriana (4 pagine formato doc)
“The education in the Victorian age”.During the first part of Queen Victorian’s reign, only the rich and the aristocrats were able to send their sons to exclusive private schools the boys were sent to famous private schools; such as Eton, which were very sever. The girls were educated at home either by their parents or by governesses and learnt how to become goodwives and mothers, also social graces such as playing a musical instrument, drawing, embroidery and how to write a letter with good handwriting.
Until they were old enough to go away to a boarding school or college, or have a tutor, upper and middle class children were taught in their homes by governesses. Although a governess had to have the education and manners of a "lady," she was treated as a servant. However, the other servants did not accept her either because she shared a level of intimacy with the master's children. The life of a governess was a life of isolation. Even so, it was almost the only option for an unmarried middle-class woman who needed to earn her own living.
L'età vittoriana: riassunto in italiano
The industrial revolution in England brought wealth and prestige to the nation and England became the most important nation in the world. Many people such as manufacturers and factory owners became extremely wealthy at the expense of the poor workers.
The industrial revolution caused a shift in population from the country to the towns, where the poor, with their large families, lived in difficult conditions, in unhealthy flats or houses, badly built, with little sanitation, without air or light. All the family had to work to maintain the family even from six years old. They worked hard up to sixteen hours a day, six days a week for low pay. Many children fell ill and often died in outbreaks of cholera and tbc, diseases that arose from the poor hygienic conditions.
L'età vittoriana: riassunto in inglese
Few working class children received any education because it was felt it would make them discontent with their lot. The fortunate few went to dame schools; charitable institutions run by women in their own homes, where reading, writing, and simple arithmetic were taught.For the others the only possibility was Sunday school, organised by the church, where they learnt to read and study the Bible.
From 1780 to 1870, all elementary schools were "voluntary," that is, they were established and maintained by private effort, by individuals, religious groups, or charitable organizations. After 1833 they were assisted by an increasing amount of government money in the form of grants.