Il secondo dopoguerra: tesina di maturità

Il secondo dopoguerra: tesina per un istituto tecnico che collega inglese, italiano, diritto, scienze delle finanze, storia, ed.fisica, informatica, matematica, ragioneria e tecnica bancaria (29 pagine formato doc)


Il secondo dopoguerra.

I.T.S.C.G. Tesina multidisciplinare.
Percorso multidisciplinare. Inglese
Samuel beckett
The theatre of the absurd
Luigi pirandello
Il teatro italiano del 900
La costituzione
L’assemblea costituente
Scienze delle finanze
Riforme tributarie
La riforma vanoni 1951
Il secondo dopoguerra
La guerra fredda
Educazione fisica
La rinascita dello sport e della vita nel secondo dopoguerra
Il ciclismo
La nascita di internet
La statistica descrittiva
Caratteri generali
La gestione dei beni strumentali
Il leasing
Tecnica bancaria
Le operazioni di servizi
Le carte di credito

Il secondo dopoguerra: riassunto


The world war two provoked a great shock in human life (the atrocities of concentration camps, the atomic holocaust of Hiroshima). In this period the western world seemed to have lost its orientation, leaving man with a sense of helplessness and with a feeling that human efforts towards progress were futile.

Beckett reflects the attitudes, disillusion and anger of the post-war generation. Beckett is one of the most important playwrights of”The rheatre of the absurd”(oter playwriters are Ionesco, Adamov). These writters created a surrealistic theatre they didn’t intend to-represent reality, but to represent the deeper reality as it is revealed through dreams or nightmares. The world”absurd”comes from greek and means apart from the chorus, dissonant, in other words. Absurd is which is devoided of purpose cut of from his religious, mentaphysical and trascendental roots: man is lost, all his action become sensless, absurd, useless.


Waiting for Godot”(1949) is Beckett’s most famous work. Waiting means making the ezperience of the flow of time. The main idea presented in the play is that man is waiting all his life for something which will never happen. Because nothing ever happens, all change being illusory. The play was fisrt written in french and then in english. The play is divided into two acts it has no development in time; just a repetitive present; it has no setting but a country road and a bare tree; it has no plot, it has no characters in the traditional sense. It has no action, it has no dialogue in”the convetional sense”, circular (non beginning – non end). The structure of the play suggests un that life seems repetitive, empty with no meaning in the sense of purpose or progress.”Waiting for Godot”is a tragicomedy in two acts. Both acts are set on a country road with a tree. There are five characters: Extragon, Vladimir, Lucky, Pozzo and a Messanger. Two tramps, Extragon and Vladimir cannot leave the road because they have to meet a Mr. Godot from whom they expect some unspecified kind of help. At the end of act one, a boy arrives with the message that Mr. Godot cannot come but that he will certinly come tomorrow. The next day the messanger comes with the same message. The two tramps keep on waiting, waiting for something Good to Happen, for love, for God, for something that gives meaning to life. Godot problably stands for God, perhaps the characters are looking for a God. The main characteristics of Beckett’s theatre:
1.    He puts on the stage the theatrical happening it self, revealing th nature of theatrical representation;
2.    Uses low popular theatrical forms (music-hall, circus, silent movies) whitin a high genre.
3.    The dialogue has lost and local meaning and has become just a way of passing the time an example of actual incommunicability (repetitions, misunder standing, double meanings, monologues, wrong words, telegraphic syle, trite senteces.

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