Le donne nella seconda guerra mondiale: tesina di maturità

Percorso multidisciplinare sul ruolo delle donne nella Seconda guerra mondiale in Spagna, Giappone, Germania e Stati Uniti. Le materie trattate sono: Spagnolo, inglese e storia (8 pagine formato doc)

Appunto di martinacover


Donne nella seconda guerra mondiale.

Ho scelto di sviluppare una tesina sulla figura della donna durante la seconda guerra mondiale perché studiando mi sono sempre chiesta che ruolo avessero e quale fosse la loro situazione dato che spesso, quando si parla di guerra, ci si concentra soprattutto sulla figura maschile del soldato all’interno dell’esercito e sulle battaglie tralasciando appunto la figura femminile.
Ho trovato diversi articoli e informazioni sulle donne nella seconda guerra mondiale e ho deciso di organizzare il mio lavoro in modo tale che si concentrasse solamente sul ruolo di diverse figure femminili in Germania, in Giappone, negli Stati Uniti ed in Spagna.

Ricerca sulla condizione delle donne e il femminicidio


Lee Miller
Lee Miller (1907 – 1977) was an american model, fashion photographer and  photoreporter.
During her career she has known important people at that time like Man Ray  (with him she had also a relationship), Pablo Picasso and Max Ernst.

Lee Miller began to work in the fashion world as model and then she came into contact with photography thanks to Man Ray and began to work as a photographer in Paris for famous stylists like Coco Chanel. In the Second World War Lee Miller worked as war photoreporter for Vogue and later she was part of the “London War Correspondents Corp” and was recognized as war correspondent, a job unusual for women at that time. Among her most important photos we remember the one of the first use of napalm, the liberation of Paris but especially the one regarding the concentration camps of Buchenwald and Dachau. The photos were at that time the first evidence of the concentration camps, in fact Vogue, before publishing them in the magazine, had to certify the authenticity. This photos characterized forever the life of Lee Miller. She was schocked. After the liberation of the concentration camp of April 29 1945 and after the suicide of Hitler and his wife, happened the same day, Lee Miller decided to be photographed by a colleague in the bathroom of Hitler. This photo was published in Vogue and in the magazine LIFE and has different meanings. This could be a normal bathroom but actually it is the bathroom of Hadolf Hitler. In front of the bathtub there are a pair of military boots and these remember how was difficult the life of the photographer in the concentration camps and during the war next the soldiers. Come critics say that there is a strong contrast between the dirty military boots and the elegant, sophisticated and clean bathroom like for example the greek statue on the table because with this photo probably Miller wants to explain that she was washing from the horrors of war in the same clean bathroom of a man who has bad created a universal dirt in the Second World War.

Le donne nel Medioevo: riassunto


• Rosie the Riveter
Rosie the Riveter is an icon for the United States and also for the Feminism  because she represents the women that worked during the Second World War in the factories that made weapons. Usually only men worked in this type of factories but after the attack on Pearl Harbor a lot of men went into the army because the United States needed soldiers and so the women had to work in this type of factories in order to make weapons for war.
Not all women wanted to do this kind of job and so in order to convince them the United States made a propaganda with the drawing of an invented woman that was called Rosie the Riveter.
This name comes from a popular American song song of 1942.