
Vita, opere e pensiero di questo autore inglese con l'analisi di due brani fondamentali per comprendere il suo dualismo. (3 pagine formato doc)

Appunto di elv87
William Blake (life and works) William Blake (life and works) He was born in London in 1757.
When he was young he was an apprentice engraver and later he became a professional. He soon started to write and in 1789 he published SONGS OF INNOCENCE. Very peculiar of his book is that he engraved both pictures and words in copper plates (called “illuminated printing”) but didn't bring success. He later published SONGS OF EXPERIENCE and illustrated other authors books. Because he wasn't very famous, he had to rely on patrons' protections to live. He died in 1827. Apart from SONGS OF INNOCENCE and SONGS OF EXPERIENCE, his main works are MILTON, FRENCH REVOLUTION and AMERICA.
SONGS OF INNOCENCE and SONGS OF EXPERIENCE In SONGS OF INNOCENCE, most of the poems are about infancy because for Blake it represents an innocent view of life. In SONGS OF EXPERIENCE, for Blake man can't grow without experience but this brings him to incapacity of spontaneity and selfishness. Blake presents a dual vision of life, a view of good and evil, energy and restraint, desire and frustration. The two states coexist together. Important images are the lamb, symbol of innocence, and the tiger, symbol of experience and evil. Children, flowers and seasons represent innocence while urban landscapes represent oppression. Blake is dissatisfied with his society because it doesn't have imagination and feelings. In fact he says that the world is made of imagination and visions but they depend on man himself: for example some men see nature as something beautiful, others see it useless. This means that the same concept isn't shared by everyone. Blake uses simple style and syntax, repetition of words, lines and schemes. However the argument is very complex. The themes are “infancy” and “incontrollable forces” William Blake (vita e opere) Nacque a Londra nel 1757. Da giovane fu un apprendista orefice e in seguito divenne un professionista. Presto iniziò a scrivere e nel 1789 pubblicò SONGS OF INNOCENCE. Particolare nei suoi libri è che incise sia immagini che parole su lastre di rame (chiamato “illuminated printing”) ma non ebbe successo. In seguito pubblicò SONGS OF EXPERIENCE e illustrò libri di altri autori. Poiché non era molto famoso, doveva contare sulla protezione dei signori per vivere. Morì nel 1827.Oltre a SONGS OF INNOCENCE e SONGS OF EXPERIENCE, le sue opere principali sono MILTON, FRENCH REVOLUTION e AMERICA. SONGS OF INNOCENCE e SONGS OF EXPERIENCE In SONGS OF INNOCENCE la maggior parte delle poesie riguardano l'infanzia perché per Blake rappresenta una visione del mondo innocente. In SONGS OF EXPERIENCE per Blake l'uomo non può crescere senza esperienza che però lo porta a all'incapacità di spontaneità ed egoismo. Blake presenta una visione doppia della vita, male e bene, energia e debolezza, desiderio e frustrazione. I due stati coesistono. Importanti immagini sono l'agnello, simbolo di innocenza, e la tigre, simbolo dell'esp